From The Iconic BERND BRIDGES TV Show Soundtrack, KESSELHAUT Releases Remix Of ‘Girl Behind The Mask’

‘Girl Behind The Mask – Mr Luckyloop Remix’ is the brilliantly upbeat new single from the genius that is KESSELHAUT. A remix of a song from the German dark comedy, ‘BERND BRIDGES’, the track with its catchy RnB drum groove is upbeat and eminently danceable.

‘BERND BRIDGES’ is a meta documentary come dark comedy; according to the show’s website, it’s about

“a German tech CEO with Tourette’s syndrome, a xenophobic abusive childhood, a loving family with a devoted wife he sleeps with 3 to 5 times a day, and a best friend named ADAM, a Jewish-American hit songwriter.”

The Bernd in the show is a real person, Bernd Korz, and Adam is the afore-mentioned genius, KESSELHAUT. If you’re not already confused, or even if you are, read on.

‘Girl Behind The Mask’ was released simultaneously in German (‘Masken Frau’) and English, the latter performed by Bernd himself, and pays homage to the real life multi-lingual video-streaming platform, Alugha, that was started by Bernd, and which plays a major part in the show, which has itself drawn comparisons to the likes of ‘Seinfeld’ and ‘Curb Your Enthusiasm’.

You can watch the video of the performance here, with the option to watch the English, German, instrumental, or live versions. We challenge you to resist bopping out as KESSELHAUT plays guitar, piano, mixes and sings, with Bernd accompanying him on guitar and vocals – while the rhythms are perfectly syncopated in the mastered versions, it’s quite enlightening to watch the live session, to realise how much work goes into making a song suitable for release.

Originally from New York, KESSELHAUT has made a name for himself across a wide range of musical genres, starting out as a tenor in opera performances all over Europe, including a show at the Vienna National Opera. He then went on with a solo career in Philharmonic rock, then on to work as a vocal producer and songwriter, responsible for a large number of top charting songs around the world, including ‘Is It Right!’, the number one hit for Elaiza, and also Germany’s song for the Eurovision Song Contest in 2014. KESSELHAUT has written songs for Peter Fox, Jennifer Rush, and Tina Turner, and worked with producers Cande de Rouge, Malcolm Toft and Jeff Blue. He’s also written and produced a musical titled, ‘DIES A DREAM OF YOU,’ which was a finalist for the prestigious RICHARD ROGERS’ AWARD for new musicals in New York. KESSELHAUT now runs his own studio, BEWAKE STUDIOS, in Berlin, where ‘Girl Behind The Mask – Mr Luckyloop Remix’ was recorded. 

You can find out more about Bernd Bridges on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Soundcloud. Stream and download ‘Girl Behind The Mask (remixes)’ here. 

About the author

Lisa has been writing for over 20 years, starting as the entertainment editor on her university newspaper. Since then she's written for Popwrapped, Maximum Pop, Celebmix, and ListenOnRepeat.

Lisa loves all good music, with particular fondness for Jedward and David Bowie. She's interviewed Edward Grimes (Jedward), Kevin Godley, Trevor Horn, Paul Young, Peter Cox (Go West), Brendan B Brown (Wheatus), Bruce Foxton (The Jam), among many many more. Lisa is also available for freelance writing - please email

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