Out today, February 8, ‘Escape’ is the latest single from L.T.P. Duo.
The duo, whose name stands for “Less Than Perfect”, comprises Nik on guitar, and Naomi on vocals. Additionally Nik is the songwriter and producer, while Naomi is the lyricist. The pair teamed up with JG Mind Doodles to make the music video, which features a cute little character, named Splodge, by their fans on Instagram.
The song serves as a reminder of the healing and positive power of music, while the video additionally brings out the emotion of the track and leaves the listeners with a sense of fulfilment, while finding strength and comfort.
You can stream and download ‘Escape’ here. Watch the music video below:

Find out more about L.T.P. Duo and their music online on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, Spotify, and Apple Music, and listen to their upcoming radio appearances on:
Cambridge 105 – 12th February at 1.30pm
Actual Radio Colchester – 16th February from 8pm
Felixstowe fm – TBC