Bryn Ryan-Van Dyke Speaks With Us About Her Music Career, What’s Coming Up Next, And Latest Single, ‘It’s My Movie’

Singer songwriter Bryn Ryan-Van Dyke is as inspiring as it gets. She chose to follow her dreams, even if it meant a scary leap into the unknown, in her case, the business of being a musical artist. She taught her self to sing, and learned to play guitar, and from there she has played some of the most iconic venues in Hollywood and beyond. What sounds like a fairy tale however has been the result of hard work; Bryn has put in the hard yards necessary to achieve her success. We have been following her career for a while now, and with her new single, ‘It’s My Movie’, and its message of taking control of your life, we decided it was the perfect opportunity to tap into how she thinks.

You are quoted as saying that you consider your music career to be your second life. Could you please go into some details about that? What were you doing before, and what is it about what you’re doing now that makes it so different?

I’d say my music is a second and “parallel” life.  I did start later than most, so it could be viewed as a second life as I juggle a career in technology.  Sometimes it does feel like I have two “separate” but simultaneous lives because each is so different.  In essence, my life is very full with Music being a big part of my individuality.  Music is the main contributor to making my life more fun and fulfilling.  

Do you think we can all have second lives?

I think everyone has demands and circumstances that pull in different directions and require different energies. I think we can strive to keep true to our “selves”, what makes us individuals in how we deal with the scenarios we find ourselves in, that is the key.  If you have a passion you can cultivate in your life, you’re halfway there.  Often it’s not easy, but the journey is a big part of it. 

Likewise, with your new single, ‘It’s My Movie’, you encourage your listeners to take hold of their destiny and live their lives as they wish. How can people go about making those changes?

I think the first step is believing in yourself.  Then envision where you want to be and what you need to start down the road to accomplish that goal. Envisioning a goal can give you purpose that makes you feel lifted.  Making choices that take you in that direction stimulates courage no matter how small the step. 

I wasn’t sure what my destiny was, but I knew I had a passion for writing and music that I needed to explore.  I knew I had to start going in that direction to find my destiny as illustrated in “It’s My Movie” lyric “along the way there’s a galaxy that might be right for you”.   

I don’t think most people have the luxury to simply live their lives as they wish, unfortunately.  But I do think the key is to appreciate what we do have every day. Listen to that inner voice and strive for something that matters to you.  Take steps to make it happen and be brave.  Your individuality makes you special, and you’ll have a more interesting life if your journey includes a path to a dream.  To me, the goal is to look back and feel you did the best you can and are in a better place for believing in yourself. 

What advice have you been given over the years that has really inspired you, and that you feel free to share with our readers?

My Dad, who inspired my single “Go Long” told me to make the best decisions you can then move on.  Don’t second guess.  As far as music is concerned, I think of that often when writing songs as there are always so many options. Do the best you can, work it until you feel you have the best representation of what you’re trying to get across..and finalise it.  You then have a new song that can be shared along with a feeling of accomplishment.       

Who are your musical inspirations, and why?

I’m inspired by emotion stirring lyrics with an edge. . There’s a certain percussive beet that makes me want to move.  I really liked Alanis Morrissette, her lyrics, percussion choices, and the rockin’ edge.  Melissa Etheridge was a favorite.  I think Pat Benatar made me want to be a singer.  

Likewise, who inspires you in your life?

The most inspirational influence in my life was my Dad.  He was humble and lived his life doing what needed to be done for his family and others in need even though his life likely didn’t turn out as he had expected or dreamed.  He made a difference to many and I was very blessed to have him in my life.  

What’s next for Bryn Ryan-Van Dyke? What can fans expect?

I’ll definitely be releasing new songs.  I’ll have shows both in California and Hawaii.  And, I’m dipping my toe into a Rock Opera. Fun times!

Finally, what question do you wish someone would ask you in an interview, but nobody ever does?

Definitely not this question, Ha! Just kidding.. I am honored that there are people interested enough to ask me questions. I’m always impressed by the thought behind what people ask, and I’m challenged each time.  I look forward to continually  being challenged. 

Watch the video for ‘It’s My Movie’ below and find out more about Bryn Ryan-Van Dyke and her music online on her official website, Facebook, and Instagram.

Bryn Ryan-VanDyke - It's My Movie (Official Lyric Video)

About the author

Lisa has been writing for over 20 years, starting as the entertainment editor on her university newspaper. Since then she's written for Popwrapped, Maximum Pop, Celebmix, and ListenOnRepeat.

Lisa loves all good music, with particular fondness for Jedward and David Bowie. She's interviewed Edward Grimes (Jedward), Kevin Godley, Trevor Horn, Paul Young, Peter Cox (Go West), Brendan B Brown (Wheatus), Bruce Foxton (The Jam), among many many more. Lisa is also available for freelance writing - please email