Back in April we wrote about Lan Law, and ‘Hillbilly Legal‘, their Bluegrass single. Lan Law comprises brothers Lance Curtis and Lawson Wayne, and it’s a real family affair, with their parents also actively involved their career. We spoke to the duo and dug in a bit deeper to find out what makes them tick.
We’re loving your song, ‘Hillbilly Legal’ – how did you come up with it, and what’s the inspiration behind it?
“Hillbilly Legal” will always be a song we cherish because it’s the song that really took off for us right after branching out into Lan Law. Our friend/ co-writer Shane Grove called me up one day informing me his friend Rita Weyls contacted him with a song idea that she had written, and she wanted Shane and I (Lance Curtis) to take the idea and build on it. So we got to thinking about all the things we think of when we hear Hillbilly Legal, and a lot of ideas were thrown around like God, hard-working people, partying, fishing, etc.… so we created our storyline and the rest was history.
The music video is a real family affair, your parents had a hand in making it. Do they help out with your music career otherwise, or was it a one-off?
We have been extremely blessed to have the parents we have! They support us in our entire musical journey, and they have been with us to every venue and every state we have played. It’s our family time, and we love being together on the road. Dad is our driver, videographer, sound guy, and financial provider.
Mom is our photographer, videographer, manager, booking agent, she designs and makes our merch, etc.…
They have a lot of irons in the fire and we really couldn’t do it without them! They deserve to be getting paid so much more for all they do for us, and maybe someday we’ll be on a level to do that!
What are the pros and cons of singing with your brother? Does one of you take the lead all the time or is it a democracy and you each have an equal say?
Coming out of Lance Curtis only into Lan Law has been an interesting transition at times, but we try to keep it more a democracy with equal say. If there’s a song that fits him better, he will do it. If the song fits me better, I’ll do it. But the switch to Lan Law has been the best decision in our career, because it opened up a uniqueness about us with tight brother harmonies and a powerful dynamic stage presence.
You’ve both done solo projects outside of Lan Law. Do you think you’ll revisit the solo work at any point?
Absolutely! We both love being Lan Law, but some songs we write don’t fit the Lan Law branding. What’s cool about what we do is we swap verses and main vocal lines, instead of one of us singing it all. But there are some songs that are best for just one of us. For example, if the whole song is about one girl, it’d be weird for the both of us to be singing about being madly in love with this one girl, haha! So we will have separate projects we work on, but there will always be Lan Law!
What’s next for Lan Law, what can fans expect?
We are booking up our schedule this summer touring Texas, North Carolina, Arkansas, Tennessee, Ohio, etc… So fans can go to our website to find our show dates and come see us in a town close to them! We also plan to be in the studio between being on the road, writing and recording new music. A lot of exciting things are coming up, go to our socials to keep up with us at lanlawmusic on Instagram, Facebook, twitter, TikTok, etc….
What question do you wish someone would ask you in an interview, but nobody ever does? And what’s the answer to that question?
Probably about our faith. It’s no secret we keep a strong value of putting God first. We sing about him, we talk about him, and we encourage everyone to come to know him! We live in a world where if we take God out of everything, life is just chaos, and we want to use our platform in music to serve our main purpose on earth, and that’s to tell others about Christ.
Thank you for having us! God bless y’all!
Watch the music video for ‘Hillbilly Legal’ below, and find out more about LAN LAW and their music online on Lance’s official website, Twitter, Instagram, and TikTok.
