Earlier this month we reviewed Christian Parker’s single, ‘Dream Catcher‘. A beautiful track with a gorgeous video to match, it’s the latest in a series of stunning singles released by Parker, including ‘Diamond Sailor‘, which we wrote about in July.
Parker’s songs are deep and well-considered, causing the listener to think and rethink about what the song actually means to them on a personal level. Such a multi-layered approach to songwriting suggested that the artist himself would be equally interesting and compelling, and so when we asked Christian Parker a few questions recently, we weren’t disappointed with his answers.
The ethereal-ness of ‘Dream Catcher’ feels like a dream itself. Mystical and mesmerizing. How did you come up with the concept for the lyric video? What are your own dreams like?
“Dream Catcher” was the first song written in the spring of 2020, during the start of the pandemic. The lyric video was created by Morgan Elliott, Ridge 44 Productions. I explained to him the way I would like the video to feel and flow. The landscape is beautiful and has a spiritual or mystical vibe. In our subconscious mind we know what our heart desires, but the struggle is giving ourselves permission to choose it.
For me, dreams are to be understood even if they are scary, confusing, strange, or beautiful. I think we can learn from our dreams and writing songs can be inspired by them. Sometimes when I dream, I am a younger version of myself and then realize it was 20 years ago! Is this time travel? Probably not, but whatever I was doing in the dream is what I pay attention to, for it is probably something I desired or wished I have done.
To quote your song, “If the world were yours to give away, would you know how?” What would be your wish for the world? What changes would you make?
When I wrote “If the world were yours to give away, would you know how?”, I was facing a medical concern. It was personal and thankfully everything was alright. It was clear that I would give everything away to just be healthy and with my family. It was the catalyst for “Dream Catcher”, and it seemed universal for all of us.
If I could change anything in this world it would be bringing our children to the faith. Growing up Christian was not looked down upon when I was a child. In today’s world people of faith can be ridiculed and judged. In many ways the foundation of the family structure has been redefined. I would change the laws and allow morality to be taught in schools, if it was not forced on children but the option to explore it would be accepted.
You call yourself the “watchman on the wall”. Could you please explain what you mean by this?
As a songwriter, I am always listening to what people say. Listening is key to writing. Life can be hard, and things do not always turn out the way we planned. I try to write about life’s challenges as well as when we overcome them. It’s all content for me, just pay attention to a phrase or a line in a movie.
What’s the songwriting process like for you? Do you have a melody first, or lyrics, or do they all come at once?
Most of the time I work on melody and write the lyric around it. I really don’t sit down and write a complete song and then try to find a melody to fit. Generally, it’s all at once.
Do you have a favourite musical instrument brand, and if so, what is it and why?
I am a real fan of Fender electric guitars and vintage amps, for acoustic guitar Martin is my preferred brand. I also like Rickenbacker electrics and own a 12-string.
What’s next for Christian Parker?
I am currently working on a Byrd’s Tribute Album which will be released in 2023. They have been an inspiration for many writers for decades and I am honored to be part of it. We have an incredible line up of musicians and have some exciting original players featured on this incredible album. Once it is released, I will be working on another solo album which I have already started.
Watch the lyric video for ‘Dream Catcher’ below and find out more about Christian Parker and his music online on his official website, Facebook. Twitter, Instagram, and TikTok.
