‘Ain’t Mine’, the latest R&B single from Teenear, tells the story of a girl who gives a firm dressing-down to a man with a roving eye – and she extends that castigation to his girlfriend, who’s blaming her for where her boyfriend is looking. It’s a short track, just two and 3/4 minutes long, but that’s enough for Teenear to perfectly get her message across.
Teenear sings, “I’m not a thief – keep your man out of my messages”, and she does it in such a way that is both firm and gentle at the same time – she’s trying to relay to the girl that it’s not her fault. She shows that she’s not one to be messed with: she’s nobody’s fool, she’s independent, self-possessed, and sexy AF. The instrumentals include trap drums, and soaring synths that are perfectly matched to Teenear’s sweet voice, and in every way contribute their part to telling the story.
The music video for ‘Ain’t Mine’ serves as a continuing story, part of a multi-part video series. Teenear is shown at a corner store, dressed to the 9s, with large square sunglasses, gold jewellery, and a very revealing top. She’s dressed to please herself and accentuate her looks, but before long she attracts the attention of a playboy with a Jag, whose desire is to entertain her. We soon find that she’s having to explain herself in a police station – but why? Wait for the next instalment in the series to find out the answer.
Watch the video for ‘Ain’t Mine’ below, and follow Teenear online on her official website, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and TikTok.