Do we love AV Super Sunshine? Yes we do! And when we saw the name of his most recent single, ‘X File 8675309’ we laughed out loud, because, if you’re of a certain age, you’ll instantly know what it means – in 1981 it became the most most famous phone number on earth, belonging to Jenny, from the song by Tommy Tutone, ‘867-5309/Jenny’. The song doesn’t just use the number, but it also features the hook from that song.
Wisconsin native AV Super Sunshine takes his inspiration from all over the place – from Jimi Hendrix, and Pink Floyd, from Lady Gaga, and Kurt Cobain, and even from Skrillex – but if you’ve been around here for a while you’ll know that already, because we’ve been fighting in AV’s corner for years now, starting back in ‘September 2016 and his single, ‘I Am Alien’.
His sound crosses genres, and has seen him get radio support all over the world, including Asia, Europe, and South America, as well as the US and the UK.
So – how did AV come to incorporate this extract from such a famous song? Well it all began when Tommy Heath, lead vocalist from Tommy Tutone, was chatting with his friend and former manager, Stephen Wrench, and had an idea to use his hook in a new song. Wrench suggested AV Super Sunshine could write the potential radio hit…and the rest, as they say, is history.
Speaking about the collab, AV said,
“When Stephen came to me with Tommy’s idea, I was working on a new love song about a couple who are abducted by aliens and then become subject of an FBI coverup. Inspired by the TV show the X-Files, Tommy’s hook fit perfectly into my song. With the help of my producer, Michael Bradford (Deep Purple, New Radicals, Run D.M.C.), we really created an artistic way to add to the recent UFO and alien conversation while also helping Tommy reach a new generation of fans with his iconic hook.”
So there you have it. The video for ‘X Files 8675309’ sees AV and his eternal muse Philomena off on a journey, roadtripping across a number of US states. What are they in search of? Things not of this world – in the words of the History Channel meme guy, “I’m not saying it’s aliens, but it was aliens”. As Tommy Heath says:
“I never thought Jenny would reflect an alien abduction. I love the music and the song.”
So do we Tommy!
Check out AV Super Sunshine and his music on his official website. Watch the video for ‘X File 8675309’ below.