We recently reviewed Daisy Briggs’ new single, ‘It’s Nice Knowing You‘, and felt it was time we had a chat with this up and coming artist about her music and her influences.
How big an influence has Taylor Swift had on your life? What are your top three favourite songs by her?Â
Taylor Swift definitely influenced me early on, but I wouldn’t say she’s my biggest influence. IÂ really got into country music by listening to Clint Black, Gretchen Wilson, Brad Paisley, and George Strait. Taylor made me want to write songs that made girls feel less alone, for sure, and build a community around my music. My favorite songs by her are as follows: “Tim McGraw”, “Fearless”, and “All Too Well.”
What other artists have been influential in making you the singer songwriter you are today?
Sam Hunt and Ernest are major influences for me because their songwriting is so catchy and tells stories so incredibly well. Hardy is also a huge inspiration for me. They are bucket list co-writers for me.
Your latest single, ‘Nice Knowing You’, is an anthem for anyone who’s fighting back after a breakup – is it based on personal experience?
It is absolutely based on personal experience! It wasn’t really about a breakup per say, it was one of those “we’re not dating, but we’re more than friends” situations — if you know what i mean. It was about a period in my life where I really liked this guy who lived a much faster paced life than me, and I was driving myself in the ground trying to keep up because I wanted to spend time with him. my friends were his friends, and vice versa, so it was hard to escape. I was out til early mornings (completely sober, I’ll add) but it still wasn’t healthy for me, and I realized some people were toxic for me, and I needed to cut them out. I also have diagnosed anxiety, and this song is also about that for me. because anxiety for me presents itself as this voice in my head that tells me i’m not good enough, ‘NKY’ is a song about trying to say goodbye to that voice and not care what people think. I’ve very much been on a journey of working on myself, so this EP is a reflection on that. I’ll keep you posted!
What advice do you have for anyone who’s starting out in music? What have you learned on your journey that you feel free to share with others?
Be yourself would be my biggest advice. don’t compare yourself! I fall into this trap so much, but I realize that if we all sounded the same or wrote the same songs, that would be boring and no one would stick out.
What’s next for Daisy Briggs? What can fans expect?
IÂ hope to release another couple of songs this summer independently. I’d love to sign a publishing deal and start touring or just playing more shows. i also released merch that i designed myself, so check that out if you haven’t.
Do you have a favourite brand of guitar you like to use, and if so what is it?
I love my Taylor guitar, but Martin is great, too.
What question do you wish someone would ask you in an interview but nobody ever does? And what’s the answer to that question?
I wish someone would ask me who my songs are about so I could finally spill the tea 😉 — but I guess I can’t reveal that just yet 🙂
Watch the music video for ‘Nice Knowing You’ here, and find out more about Daisy Briggs and her music online on her website, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and TikTok.
