We’ve been following Tamas Bulla’s career for a couple of years now, from his 2020 release, ‘Out Of Time‘ and now his latest, ‘Shower Thoughts‘. Although still in his very early teens, Tamas is prodigious talent, and we believe he has an incredible future ahead of him – as well as an amazing present. We’re sure you’ll agree, especially after checking out our recent chat with the artist himself.
Hi Tamas, thanks for speaking with us!
I’ve really enjoyed your single, ‘Shower Thoughts’. I always find I have my best thoughts in the shower, I think it’s when we’re at our most relaxed and our ideas are free to roam. What’s been your best shower thought?
I definitely have a lot of thoughts the day before I have something big coming up. It could really be anything, music, an acting job, an interview, or just hanging out with friends or going on vacation.
You’re still quite young, and yet you’ve got an impressive discography behind you already. What was it that first got you into music? Do you see yourself continuing down that path or do you think you’ll get more into acting in the future?
I got into music when I was 2 years old. My mom brought me to a concert to see an orchestra. I was amazed and never wanted to leave. I was also always fascinated by instruments and sounds. I definitely want to continue making music and performing, but it would also be nice to get a few roles in the acting business.
How did you come up with the concept for the ‘Shower Thoughts’ video?
It was filmed at my house during a party. The cameraman was invited, and he brought his camera gear along because he knew that I would’ve liked to film something there. We had no idea what to do when we first started filming but as we listened to the music, we kind of mapped it out and found the best shots. We also didn’t think that we would have filmed it all in one day in one location.
Who do you find most inspirational in term of influencing your music? Why? What about in your life, who are your inspirations?
I listen to a lot of Justin Bieber, AJR, maybe even a little bit of Queen. But in my life my biggest inspiration is my father. He works really hard to help my family out and put a roof over our heads. I wouldn’t have the opportunities that I do have without my dad.
If you could advise anyone who was contemplating a music career from an early age, what tips would you give them?
It is way better to start early than late. They say that it’s never too late but the earlier that you start, the better chance that you will have. Also, If you start younger, when you’re still a little child, people will think that you’re adorable and cute, but as time goes on and as you get older, people will see you as a regular musician. So, it’s always good to start early and get exposed to the spotlight as early as possible.
Finally, and I ask this question of everyone I speak to, what question do you wish someone would ask you in an interview, and what’s the answer to that question?
“Out of everything else in the world, why did you pick music?” Music makes me happy. Whenever I’m feeling down, I listen to something or record something, it makes me happy. And I want others to feel my happiness, and song is the best way for people to experience it.
Watch the music video for ‘Shower Thoughts’ below and follow Tamas Bulla online on Twitter, Instagram, and TikTok.
