Last month we wrote about the stunning remix of Blind Difference’s single, ‘Alive’, along with its striking music video. Now we catch up with Meels, the mastermind behind the project, who also directed the clip.
Hi Meels! Thank you for speaking with us!
Thank you very much for the opportunity!
We enjoyed the video for your new single, ‘Alive; you’ve directed it yourself – what made you decide to get into that as well as singing?
Directing the video happened by default. The videographer I was working with expressed more interest in capturing my vision on film than leading the creation of the vision. Thus, was born Blind Difference the director. It was a great learning experience and I appreciated being pushed out of my comfort zone!
‘Alive’ is quite biographical in nature, isn’t it! You’re clearly aware of how important the hustle is to success, but do you feel it’s easier or more difficult these days for women to make a name for themselves? Not just in music but overall?
“Alive” was born from the experiences of everyday life, of myself and those around me. I don’t know if it is easier or more difficult for women to make a name for themselves these days. I think it depends on the area or job discipline. I believe embracing and appreciation individuality is one key to success.
Your performing name, ‘Blind Difference’, is quite evocative! If I didn’t already know from your music that you’re a strong independent woman, I would be in no doubts from your name! How did you come about deciding to call yourself that?
Thank you! I agree that I am strong. However, I’m not totally independent. I have an amazing support system and I want to acknowledge those who have helped me in this journey.
I picked the name “Blind Difference” because I don’t want to focus on the differences, especially of music genres. Rather, I want to appreciate the similarities in good music and styles. When people listen to the music and watch videos/shows, I want them to appreciate the genre blends.
What’s next in store for Blind Difference? What can fans expect from you?
I am so glad you asked! There is new music out so be sure to check out the Blind Difference YouTube channel and website. “Kelly” is our next song/video release. I had a great time editing the video myself for Kelly. I hope the viewers find the message inspiring and the video fun.
If you could go back in time, what advice would you give yourself as you were first starting out? Similarly, what would you tell anyone who was just beginning their music career?
Trust your gut! Nobody knows what sound/experience you want to create more than you. If you are not satisfied keep trying until you reach the product that you want. Do not settle. I spent a lot of time not trusting myself and looking for others to validate my music during the writing process. Once I got to a place of finishing my sound and then presenting it to the others, the response was different. You must build the confidence early.
Who or what do you find most inspiring in your life? How about music, who have been your greatest influences and why?
My greatest inspiration is people…everyone who shares their life, stories, and experiences with me. It moves my spirit. As for musical aspiration, honestly too many to list. But if I had to name a few…. Prince, Elton John, Billy Joel, Stevie Wonder. Musicians and artists that tell stories through their music.
Finally, what question do you wish someone would ask you in an interview, but nobody ever does? And what’s the answer to that question?
If you could open for three artists, as an up-and-coming artist, who would they be?
I would love the opportunity to open for The Weeknd, SIA, and The Neighbourhood.
You can watch the video for ‘Alive’ below, and check out for more about Blind Difference online on their official website, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.