Brother-sister duo Juna N Joey is a true embodiment of innocent talent. Their new single, ‘Til Your Heart Breaks,’ is a stellar addition to their rising career.
Originally from West Palm Back, Florida, Juna N Joey resides in Nashville, Tennessee. Both Juna and Joey have always been quite musical, so there is no surprise in their singing endeavors. They developed their signature pop-country sound with their own fresh, contemporary spin. As the classic country theme goes, heartache dominates the scene.
‘Til Your Heart Breaks’ is a follow-up to Juna N Joey’s last year’s successful ‘Something Good To Miss,’ an upbeat, hopeful tune. With this new release, they’ve gone on a heartfelt ballad route via soft piano accompanying the duo’s delicate vocals.
Juna N Joey speak about the track: “We hope that people find this song to be true and relatable – love is definitely one of the most important themes in country music!”
