Cincinnati rapper Paydro isn’t merely letting us know he’s flush with new single, ‘Feel Like Da Bank’, but he’s also saying he’s reliable, and established his position and isn’t going anywhere anytime soon.
Paydro’s brand of hip-hop takes hold of the listener like the grip of a firm handshake, when you’ve finalised a business deal. There’s a lot of effortless, authoritative confidence there, and with ‘Feel Like Da Bank’, we can be sure that it’s going to be just as hard-hitting as Paydro’s previous release, the thumping and uncompromising, ‘Street Blessings’.
Paydro is a formidable vocalist and a flexible songwriter, whose lyrics reveal his complicated train of thought. His music is a fine match for whatever situation you find yourself in, whether it be the club, blasting through your car’s speakers, or, during lockdown, in your own living room.
Paydro joins forces on the clip for ‘Feel Like Da Bank’ with Cincinnati production house DreamVision, who we’ve already mentioned today, for their work with GoodLook. They understand hip-hop iconography, and specialise in exciting videos with an incendiary touch. They’re a good match for Paydro, and for the video they’ve created a narrative that works well with his charisma.
We see Paydro pulling off a bank job, swaggering about like he was bulletproof. Pulling up their black van outside the Cincinnati Bell building, Paydro and his crew, load it up with the cash, and then set off, the singer rhyming in the back seat while the driver takes them on an un-rushed drive through the city streets, washed clean by the rain. Flashing back to the bank, we see that Paydro has transformed it all. The bank vault is wide open, decorated with fluorescent bulbs glowing green, and filled with dancers, waving stacks of cash – it looks more like a nightclub than a financial institution. Does he get caught? We hear sirens in the background, but the van doesn’t seem at all bothered, so we guess not! All in all the song and video are a clever commentary on the very creativity of hip-hop, and the way they have reinvigorated capitalism.
Check out Paydro in ‘Feel Like Da Bank’ below, and follow him on Twitter.