Crafting a distinctive blend of rock and roll which is rooted in deep 70s grooves with a modern aesthetic, The Begowatts came together in 2012 in Madison, Wisconsin. The band, who comprise David French on lead guitar and vocals, Ben Tofflemire on rhythm guitar, Aaron Androsky on bass and percussion, and Dan Carpenter on drums, honed their live performance and perfected their sound through touring relentlessly, with the result that they built up a huge buzz across the Midwest.
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Now The Begowatts have released their new EP, ‘Grand Charade’, a six track EP which has taken the early, classic rock sound of the band, and tightened it into a fusion of old and new, which they’ve called, “21st century electric rock & roll”.
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The follow-up to their eponymous EP, released in 2015, ‘Grand Charade’ was written during the 2016 US election, and the songs reflect the division which broke across the country. With songs like ‘Kids On Parole’ calling to mind the politically-charged rock anthems of the 1970s, and the dreamlike, “Twin Peaks” like quality of last song, ‘You & I’, there’s plenty for everyone, fans old and new alike.
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Following the release of ‘Grand Charade’, The Begowatts will tour across the US.
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You can find out more about The Begowatts online from their official website, Twitter, and Facebook. ‘Grand Charade’ is available to stream and download from iTunes, Amazon, Google Play, and Spotify.
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