With a music video showing the perspective of an astronaut landing on an Earth that’s somehow not quite right, ‘Sometimes All’ from Ron Brunk tells us that we need to rely on something outside ourselves – “Sometimes all you got left is God”.
We can get caught up in our everyday lives, focusing on ourselves. But sometimes, it doesn’t work out quite the way we feel it should, and we realise there’s a whole lot more out there. Ron Brunk shows us, with ‘Sometimes All’, that we can’t always rely on following our own path, going along our own merry way, and maybe we need to put our faith somewhere and trust in a higher power to help us through.
Ron’s speaking from personal experience. A health scare forced him to confront his own mortality, and he was left shaken, feeling lost and alone. While he was recovering, he was forced to consider even more, and he looked deep within to find the answers to his questions about spirituality, and abandonment. He shares his very soul, leaves it laying bare in ‘Sometimes All’, his soft vocals paired with gentle instrumentation, and a steady beat, while a heavenly Gospel choir backs him up with their affirmations of “Hallelujah”. The word means “praise to God” and signifies letting go and letting God take over.
The music video for ‘Sometimes All’ gives us a fresh perspective on our vibrant planet, with breathtaking imagery as the lone astronaut wanders alone through fields of poppies, sunflowers, and cornflowers, stunning forests, along abandoned railroad tracks, and in desolate desert landscapes; he finds and plays a piano in the latter.
It’s revealed that he is the man who fell to Earth. An accident on his space station causes him to be sucked into space, and he manages to find his way back to the small blue dot. He has no choice but to fall, he has no power – all he’s got left is to trust in God.
Whether or not this is a dream as he loses consciousness, the message is pretty clear in the end. Things are ultimately not in our control. We need to let go and let God. Hallelujah indeed.
Watch the gorgeous music video for ‘Sometimes All’ below, and find out more about Ron Brunk and his music online on his official website, YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.