St Louis artist M.C channels his life experiences into his music, and his latest track, ‘Monday’, featuring his thirteen year old daughter, Young Marlee Mar, and hip hop artist Vega HeartBreak, is no less an example of his exceptional musical prowess.
An artist who is dedicated to amplifying the local musical culture of his hometown, M.C blends elements of a range of genres into his work, including hip hop, RnB, rap, and more, and his previous projects have highlighted his versatility, from classic hip hop anthems, right down toheartfelt family-inspired tracks.
Now, with this thirteen year old daughter, Marlee, M.C has shifted his musical style to align with his priorities, and now, taking a more unconventional path to that of his rap contemporaries, M.C’s sound is conscious, captivating, and creative.
M.C’s latest release, ‘MONDAY’, takes listeners through the deep grief and vulnerability he experienced following the death of his mother. The track was originally intended as a cathartic way for him to work though the pain he felt, but his family encouraged him to release it to the world. Collaborating with hip hop artist Vega HeartBreak, as well as his daughter Young Marlee Mar, M.C is able to express his anguish, with lines such as, “How can I smile when you’re not around?”, and, “Everyday feels like a Monday, even Sunday.”
‘MONDAY’ sees M.C admit that even despite having the support of family and friends around him, the healing process is at times something he has to face alone. He is honest with his listeners, understanding that, while his life will never be the same without his mother, he does recognise that it’s important to move on, and move forward. It’s a feeling that will be shared by anyone who’s experienced a similar loss.
The music video for ‘MONDAY’, directed by Craig Thomas, continues this authenticity, and the viewer is put in M.C’s shoes during those absolutely gut-wrenching moments immediately after his mother’s passing. Cinematic, cool-toned visuals give the clip an atmosphere of a short film, as we see M.C push through each day without his mother being there. He finds his way to healing, through the support of his friends and family, including daughter Young Marlee Mar.
The video finishes as M.C and his loved ones gather at his mother’s house to release hundreds of bright red balloons into the sky. “I wanted to make it a big deal,” says M.C, “because she is a big deal to me.” As they float off, the clip ends with a dedication to the memory of Arleen Denise. It’s touching, and moving, and will be very relatable to all of us who have experienced such loss.
You can watch the music video for ‘MONDAY’ below, and find out more about M.C and his music online by checking out his Linktree.