‘Independent Record’, from The State Champions, out of Helena, Montana, bring forth an album that’s as beautiful as their home city. The album channels some of the blue collar, working class biographical style of Bruce Springsteen, with lead single, ‘Canada’, sounding every bit as if The Boss had been born in the western US, rather than New Jersey.
Led by Aaron Parrett, The State Champions don’t spare the heavy, emotionally charged anthems, conjuring up visions of the pioneers who opened up the west – powerfully built men who brooked no nonsense, tough as old boot leather. Parrett’s voice is wry and bluegrass infused, and he’s supported by a flotilla of the best, including John Dendy (bass, harmonica, and vocals), Jon Flynn (dobro) and Ken Nelson, on piano, with Nann Parrett (Aaron’s wife) closing the circle with her harmonising and whistling. Produced and engineered by Matt Strachan, ‘Independent Record’ fills any empty spot left for fans of country-tinged pop ensembles.
Joining the release of ‘Independent Record’, The State Champions also dropped album opener, the glorious ‘Canada’. The track quickly grabs hold of the listener, pulling them in to the song’s first-person narrative, leaving them wanting to know more about the man who was once “running guns at seventeen”, and always conscious of an escape to freedom in Canada, “just around the bend”. It’s a heartfelt and moving introduction to the rest of the record, with its equally biographical-sounding tracks. Did we say Bruce Springsteen before? Well maybe add Johnny Cash as well, and perhaps The Lumineers for good measure.
‘Independent Record’ is out now. You can check it out on Spotify, and Bandcamp.
Listen to ‘Canada’ below.