Ladybyrd Unveils Heartfelt New Single ‘Kissing Undercover’ Featuring Rudimental’s Beanie

Ladybyrd, the acclaimed singer-songwriter, releases her latest heart-wrenching anthem, ‘Kissing Undercover’, today, featuring Rudimental drummer Beanie. Building on the impressive momentum gained as Sunday Times Culture’s “Breaking Act,” ‘Kissing Undercover’ serves as the third single from her eagerly anticipated debut album.

Delving into the emotional turmoil of a secret romance, ‘Kissing Undercover’ beautifully captures the essence of hidden love and the longing for simplicity. With Ladybyrd’s introspective lyrics and captivating vocal melodies, the track showcases everything that makes her music so compelling, blending the intensity of Ellie Rowsell with the cinematic allure of Lana Del Rey.

In her own words, Ladybird said, “‘Kissing Undercover’ is a super fun track – it’s the first song I wrote for my album. I wanted to make music that reflected the struggles I had been through over the last two years, and I wanted the production to be bold, moving and cinematic. Each track on the album narrates a distinct story or captures a fragment of a broader one, all within a cinematic pop soundscape that I hope will engage listeners, connect with them and move them on a personal level. I’m excited to share it with you, it’s finally time.”

Originally from Buckinghamshire and now making waves in London, Ladybyrd’s previous releases, like ‘Open Cage’ and ‘Way Back Home,’ have already garnered critical acclaim and thousands of listens. Her growing body of work is setting the stage beautifully for her debut album, one that fans eagerly await.

Listen to ‘Kissing Undercover’ now:

Ladybyrd - Kissing Undercover

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