Following on from ‘Jazz Men‘, Shaheed and DJ Supreme are kicking back with the tunes, and giving us ‘Something To Ride To’.
Jump in your car – or on your BMX – and turn the next single up to 11. With a masterpiece beat by DJ Supreme, impossible to resist bopping along to, even if you’re not going anywhere you may as well hop in your car and just take this track for a spin around the block. With a boom-bap that knows where it’s at, Shaheed issues an invitation to all the drivers in whatever vehicles, to come along and cruise the lines with him. The song is accompanied by a music video, directed by their frequent collaborator Richard Giles, which follows the fellas as they drive through their neighbourhood, spreading the word to their fellow drivers – and even some BMX riders! Lauren Strain is at the steering wheel, and she also features on the track, giving it her all with sultry backing vocals.
Check out the music video for ‘Something To Ride To’ below. You can find out more about Shaheed & DJ Supreme online on their official website, Twitter, and Instagram.
