Returning with her signature punk-pop style, Jojo Engelbert takes an edgy approach to teenage infatuation, with her new single and video, ‘Not A Real Blond’.
Pitched to her by her older sister Zoey, Jojo instantly knew this song was right for her, with the hook, lyric, and vocal range all instantly appealing to the young singer. Opening with a distorted riff that harks back to 90s grunge, the song tells of a push-pull journey of attraction to a boy with bleached blond hair. Jojo’s vocals are soaring and expressive, conveying the emotional tension of the experience: she wonders if she can even trust him, after all, if he dyes his hair then can anything else about him be real?
The music video for ‘Not A Real Blond’, directed by Jojo’s father, Matt Engelbert, is filled with punk imagery – barbed hearts, paper clipping lyrics etc, and follows Jojo as her crush, played by Jackson Dorfmann, plays games with her heart. There’s a clear homage to the new ‘Barbie’ movie, as well as the 90s classic, ‘Clueless’, but that doesn’t mean the clip doesn’t have a style all of its own. With his obvious blond wig, it’s not hard to understand why Jojo would question the boy’s authenticity, but soon we discover that under the Ken doll hair, he’s a loveable goof, and not at all bad.
Watch the music video for ‘Not A Real Blond’ below and find out more about Jojo Engelbert and her music online on Instagram.
