On Tuesday, comedian, actor, and now musician Kyle Gordon released the first single, titled ‘Planet of the Bass’, off his debut album, ‘Kyle Gordon Is Great’, on streaming platforms, along with an accompanying music video on YouTube. The highly anticipated lead single’s music video features DJ Crazy Times and fictional character Ms. Biljana Electronica (created by Gordon and three TikTok content creators).
Gordon’s main job has been comedy, with a large portion of his fans coming from his comedic performances. However, the New York City star has branched out over the last couple years – not only making the jump from comedy to acting like many others before him, but also moving into the music industry, something he’s equally passionate about. The new album has been in the works for several months now, with Gordon balancing out music, touring and acting on a tight schedule all throughout 2023.
The new song, ‘Planet of the Bass’, is as much music as it is comedy, combining Gordon’s awesome satirical elements with brilliant production by Brooks Allison and Chrissi Poland’s smooth vocals. When combined with the equally satirical music video, ‘Planet of the Bass’ is bound to be a hit, considering its comedic value and unironically brilliant composition – and if this song is anything to go off of, the new album will be equally great – but that’s something we’ll only be able to find out about come November, when the album finally hits streaming platforms.
Listen to the new single here and pre-save ‘Kyle Gordon Is Great’ here (coming out November 10th).