In a love song to 50 years of Hip Hop, Shaheed and DJ Supreme return with their latest single, ‘Take It Back’.
Sometimes it’s necessary to strip everything back to the bare essentials to make you realise just how good you’ve got it. Shaheed and DJ Supreme see this with Hip Hop, and know that at the heart of this now global musical phenomenon there’s still the voice of hope and compassion that speaks to people in their own words. They use their voices to draw attention to local issues in their home town of Birmingham, Alabama, and now, they are doing the same for the musical genre they love best.
Hip Hop has been buried in a lot of redtape and business and Shaheed and DJ Supreme hark back to the simpler times. Their styling is very much old skool as well on ‘Take It Back’, as they call out all the OG artists who inspired them over the years. A bouncing track with background singers crooning the song’s title over the top of DJ Supreme’s classic beats, while Shaheed confidently delivers his rhymes, smooth as silk.
The video for ‘Take It Back’, shot and edited by Richard Giles, sees the pair in a location entirely appropriate for such a track. We find them in Seasick Records, in Birmingham, and they drop beats and lines one after the next, while members of the K.R.U. crew plough through the stacks of vinyl. It doesn’t matter if you’ve been here for a long time or if you’re brand new to the scene; if you learn about the roots then you can give yourself a firm foundation.
Check out the music video for ‘Take It Back’ below and find out more about Shaheed and DJ Supreme online on K. R. U. Hip Hop’s website, Twitter, and Instagram.
