Fibre artist and filmmaker Andrea Love is an animator who creates entire worlds out of wool. Her plush worlds are populated by whimsical characters who are impossibly beautiful, while maintaining a delightful, squeezable softness. The Port Townsend, Washington artist puts her magic into every thread and bead, and this is no less so the case with the music video she’s created for Ingrid Michaelson and Zooey Deschanel’s new festive single, ‘Merry Christmas, Happy New Year’.
During the holiday season, Michaelson and Deschanel are well attuned to the emotional resonances of relationships. Ingrid is no stranger to holiday music — the original version of her acclaimed set, ‘Songs For The Season’, which reached the #3 spot on the US Indie charts, stole hearts in 2018 and hasn’t given them back since. Meanwhile, Deschanel, as all filmgoers know, is the closest thing Hollywood has to a real life Christmas elf. The pair duet on ‘Merry Christmas, Happy New Year’, one of five tracks appended to the deluxe reissue of ‘Songs For The Season’, and they’ve called on Andrea Love to amplify the song’s warmth and Christmas spirit.
In the clip for ‘Merry Christmas, Happy New Year’ we see Andrea extend her working relationship with storyteller, illustrator, and fellow Washingtonian, Phoebe Wahl. Wahl and Love previously worked together on the award-winning children’s film, ‘Tulip’, a brilliant animated adaptation of the story of Thumbelina, released in 2020. For ‘Merry Christmas, Happy New Year’, they’ve sculpted a bunny couple out of needle-felted wool, nesting them in a wonderful world of fibre and thread. Nothing however compares to the expressive quality of the dolls they’ve created. The love and chemistry between these bunnies, and their helpful neighbours, too, is evident in each stitch.
Watch the gorgeous video below, and follow Ingrid Michaelson online on her official website, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
