Former MTV/Nickelodeon promo producer and writer Stacy Gabel knows how to have fun and how not to take things so seriously. This extends to her music, which serves as a reminder to let the little things go and instead seek out the positive in any situation.
Stacy’s previous two releases got us through some tough times. ‘Stir-Crazy’ saw her make isolation slightly more tolerable, and ‘High Heeled Shoes’ saw her continue to bring a smile to each of our faces. She continues in this vein with latest single, ‘Straight to Voicemail’, a pop song with a bite to it. It’s an empowering anthem about how Stacy deals with some annoying people. She pokes fun at those fans who tend to cross the line by using pet names instead of her real name – and she’s asking for respect.
The video for ‘Straight To Voicemail’ is upbeat and uplifting, and will make you want to get up to dance from the very first frame. The video starts with Stacy grabbing her stuff as she runs out the door and towards her car. With the top down on her convertible, Gabel sings along to her track as she goes about her day. She goes to the gym and then to work and then, fed up with annoying calls, she throws her phone out of the car, sending the caller “Straight to Voicemail” one last time.
Watch the video for ‘Straight To Voicemail’ below, and find out more about Stacy Gabel from her official website.
