We’ve written about Bruce Sudano‘s songs and videos a number of times on here, and regular readers will know that he favours clips which feature animation. For his latest single, ‘It Don’t Take Much (Because I Do)’, Sudano has once again visited this means of visualisation, and we see both the singer and his band rendered as 2-D digital images.
The clip is a playful tale featuring Bruce’s cat, Honey, and is ostensibly about how much he loves his feline friend. Honey takes centre stage, and clearly rules the roost; Bruce tends to Honey’s every need, and even, when it’s time for his cat to have a wash, he holds a screen between Honey and the viewer, to protect the former’s modesty. It’s a love song, and entirely suitable for a Valentine’s Day release, but the clip has been a work of fun between Sudano and his frequent director collaborator, Elliot Mason.
Sudano of course is a serious musician, having written for the likes of Michael and Jermaine Jackson, Dolly Parton, Reba McEntire, and the late Donna Summer, who was also his wife. But he knows how to have fun too, and we hope you’ll enjoy the video for ‘It Don’t Take Much (Because I Do)’, as much as the song. Watch the video below, and catch up with Bruce and his music online on his official website.