Terri Bannister has led an extraordinary life, and music has been with her every step of the way. Now based on Long Island, she grew up in a musical household in the Caribbean, and also went on missionary trips, where music was the bond that held the group together, in spite of language barriers. She has led a children’s choir, and worked with other musicians, always using her faith-based music to bridge the gap in connection between people. Now she is releasing her own music, with her first album, ‘God Of Love’, taking her all over the world, including South and Central America, Canada, Israel, and the Caribbean, for a special concert series. Her song, ‘You Love Me’ was featured in the European documentary series, ‘Hidden Treasure’, which reached out to women who are stuck in the cycle of prostitution.
Terri has been a member of a number of choirs, including the Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir and the Youth Chorale and participated in the McDonald Gospel Fest at Madison Square Garden with her school’s award-winning gospel choir. She has written a Christmas play, ‘Coming Home’, which has been performed for five years in a row. Through the power of God, Terri Bannister is hitting new highs, and she gives thanks and praise to her Lord in her latest single, ‘Little Is Much’.
Terri Bannister asks, “What are you asking for? What are you praying for?” but before we answer, we must first consider that which we already have. Although we can get caught up with materialism – especially at this time of year when everywhere we turn we’re reminded that we “should” be buying for our family or that special someone – or ourselves…because we deserve it of course – but we need to realise that what we have already can bring enough fulfilment in our lives.
The music video for ‘Little Is Much’ tells us, in just three and a half minutes, if we remain faithful, the good things will come. Terri sings her praises to God in a beautiful garden while short scenes play out of hardships endured that are overcome by staying faithful to beliefs. A girl receives a college acceptance letter; her family receives good news from the doctor: these are examples which are based on real life experiences, and Terri is always on the look out for ways to relate to her listeners through her music.
Although the song was written a few years ago, it’s nonetheless still very much applicable this year. Terri had a baby in early 2020, and was soon saddened by the world she was bringing her child into. Soon however, she realised that she just needed faith, and all that she needed was right there in her arms.
Listen to Terri Bannister’s beautiful song, ‘Little Is Much’, and watch the video below. Count your blessings, for what you have right now. You can find out more about Terri Bannister and her music online on her official website.
