Bovine Nightmares are an Avant-Metal three-piece, from Bethlehem Pennsylvania. Comprising Erikk the Broken, Steampunk Munky, and The Mighty Tavros, they’ve managed with their dark riffs, maniacal growling, and crazed time signature, to find a niche in the heady and busy world of music. Latest single, ‘Giving Little Robots To Children’, sounds as bizarre as its name, but we can guarantee you’ll love it.
Fans of The Melvins, Faith No More, or Tom Waits, may well find space in their hearts for Bovine Nightmares. Although relatively new to the scene, starting out last year, the trio have thrown off all thoughts of mediocrity and any pretence at even attempting to be likeable, and from behind their masks they’ve been building up a fanbase of like-minded citizens.
 ‘Giving Little Robots To Children’ kinda sounds like Santa has been shopping at the one store for everyone, but the song is a free for all of mischievous – and melodic – horror. Erikk the Broken takes us through a multitude of personalities before we’re through even the first 30 seconds of the opening verse, while the percussion stomps with a primal rhythm and the guitars squeal and sonically shift gears and tone without notice. Lyrically it’s a track that might have come from a “more serious” act, but this is laid waste with the double-time chorus. Nonetheless, the track in its entirety – even with its gory lines threatening humanity – is one which is eminently sing-al0ng-able, and very catchy indeed.
The music video for ‘Giving Little Robots To Children’ is a bit weird, and a lot unhinged. There’s a drifter who repurposes cardboard signs in Bob Dylan ‘Subterranean Homesick Blues’ style; for whatever reason he also stuffs steel gears into his mouth. There’s a classroom filled with robots, young, googly-eyed. They’re watching an educational film, but with an apocalyptic edge, a la ’28 Days Later’. Munky, Tavros, and Erikk all make an appearance, wearing their masks, identities concealed, while the whole thing finishes in a trippy asylum scene, replete with straitjackets and padded cells. Just weird.
Watch the video below. Check out Bovine Nightmares (if you dare) on their official website.
