milk. have only been around for a minute but listening to them last night at Dublin’s Workman’s Club it feel as though it’s been at least two.
The Dublin four-piece with the unusual name (is it because as young Irish men the word describes their complexion?) drew in a rather large and enthusiastic crowd last night, mostly early 20s, and younger. Several were clearly friends of the band, with calls out to drummer, Morgan, especially. There was also a smattering of older people who looked a little suspiciously like record label talent scouts. Oh and me and my companions.
Starting at just before 10pm, it wasn’t until song 3 that lead singer Mark McKenna addressed the audience, simply telling us that they were milk. Flanked by a Conor on each side, Mark alternatively looked at his feet when playing his guitar, or looking directly at the audience with an unblinking gaze. It wasn’t unnerving, but rather symptomatic of his clear passion for his art. milk.’s musical style is difficult to define: it’s a sort of soft pop-rock, definitely shoegaze; but there’s also some electronic element in there, despite it being a 3 guitars and drums band.
milk.’s set was short and sweet, running through their entire released discography of three songs so far plus several which will be on their EP due to come out next year, they stayed on stage until about 10.40, but, “would have liked to play more except we’ve run out of songs”. It was enough though to know that they have more than enough potential to make it outside of Ireland. The responses on their social media, when it was announced they were playing their Dublin show, came from all over the world, so the audience is out there. The last time I’d been to The Workman’s Club was Easter last year for The Irish Music Party’s showcase. On that bill was Inhaler, still in sixth form at school, excited to be playing a festival in Cork in the summer. At that show I felt as though I was witnessing someone on the precipice of greatness, and my feeling was well-founded. Inhaler have gone from strength to strength and have just returned from a US tour supporting Blossoms and a sold out UK headline tour. I got that same feeling again last night, a niggling sensation that we were witnessing a significant event. Watch this space.
In short, it was a great show on a bone-chillingly cold Dublin night, and if the response from the audience, who flocked to the merch table to buy Tshirts and tote bags, and then left the venue humming the tune to most recent release, ‘A Little More’ is anything to go by, then milk. have a grand future ahead of them.
