A true Jersey Boy has a certain swagger, and isn’t impressed by awards or accomplishments, reputation or bankroll, but rather judges people by the way they act. A Jersey Boy looks with disdain at all the social climbing that goes on in Brooklyn and Manhattan. Jersey Boys don’t whine, but instead, puts their case forward in plain language.
The narrator of ‘Jersey Boy’, the latest single from The Vice Rags, four Jersey Boys themselves, based in Ashbury Park, finds himself having to fight for his girl, as someone from over the river tries to steal her away from him. He’s not going down without a fight. The clip is simple and no nonsense, first shot in black and white, and then filtered colour, just the band playing in a rehearsal room.
All four members of The Vice Rags were previously members of respected Jersey rock bands before joining forces. Joe Chyb drummed for garage rock band, The Anderson Council, while guitarist Jack Roberts played for punk band, Mars Needs Women. GE on bass (known to Jersey rock fans as “Gay Elvis”) was with Kid With Man Head, and also played with The Vice Rags’ frontman, Paul Rosevear, in power pop band, Readymade Breakup. All were from very different bands, but found unity in their Jersey attitude.
Check out The Vice Rags online on their Facebook page.