Rossemberg Maza is still being a bad guy with the follow up to the title track to his album, ‘A Bad Guy’, set for release on March 23.
‘Eat It Too (Cake)’ sees Maza in Amsterdam going about his business with scantily clad women presenting themselves to him everywhere he goes. Somewhere along the line we discover a lot of it is in his imagination; maybe it’s jetlag as he’s flown in from Cancun, but in any case it’s a bit of lighthearted fun. Maza’s vocals are sweet and something like a cross between Justin Bieber and Drake – and either Canadian singer would do a good job with this song.
Rossemberg Maza grew up in Villahermosa, Mexico, before moving to Lancaster, England, to study at University. He’s travelled all over the world, and the idea for his album, ‘A Bad Guy’ came while on a trip to Tokyo, and a love of concept albums. He explored the concept of who exactly is the bad guy – “what if I am the bad guy?”.
The video for ‘Eat It Too (Cake)’, was directed by Svenno Koemans from Pixelheaven TV, Amsterdam. You can stream the track on Spotify, Amazon, and Deezer. Find out more about Rossemberg Maza from his official website, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.