El Paso has a thriving music scene, and Hot Shot Kixxx is one such group making a name for itself in the West Texas town. Their newest track, ‘The Devil Inside’, is the opening track to their 2016 debut EP, ‘Black Gold’.
Hot Shot Kixxx goes a long way back, with Juan Villalobos and Lorenzo Corral first meeting in middle school. The pair then met Josh Phillips in college, at Arizona State University. Later, in 2015, Lorenzo introduced Juan and Josh to drummer Daniel Paulus. The band have since been rocking stages all over El Paso, with their hard rock bass and guitar style.
‘The Devil Inside’ features a video directed by Jaime Blanco of DoubleScope Films. Shot in a cinematic style of muted colours, it seems innocent enough to begin with, as it opens on a little girl skipping through a field. All is not as it seems however, as the band members play with her toys – the girl reveals a darker side, and one by one, the band becomes her victims. When will this villainy stop?
‘The Devil Inside’ incorporates elements of metal, prog, and full on screamo rock, in the track, and Juan Villalobos’ vocals are strong and in perfect harmony with the hard rocking instrumentation.
You can find Hot Shot Kixxx online on Soundcloud, Twitter, Facebook, and Reverbnation. ‘Black Gold’ is available from CD Baby and to stream on Spotify.