Jedward have paid the ultimate compliment to long-time inspiration, Justin Timberlake, with the video for their new single, ‘The HOPE Song’. The video is an almost faithful shot-by-shot reproduction of JTs most recent release, ‘Can’t Stop The Feeling’, the theme song for the film, ‘Trolls’.
‘The HOPE Song’, set for release next Friday, August 12, revisits most of the locations in Justin’s video, including Cindy’s Coffee Shop, Venus Flowers, and the LA overpass, where JT and his crew had a dance off, itself harking back to his days in NSYNC. It’s the seventh independent release from the Dublin twins – and again, completely written and produced by themselves. Another inspirational composition, which seems to be a deliberate decision made with their first independent single, ‘Free Spirit’, two years ago, ‘The HOPE Song’ is jam-packed with encouraging lyrics, imploring the listener to “Have a little hope, when the world gets cold” and “begin to imagine all that you could be, and start to discover the possibilities”. Filmed in and around Los Angeles, where the pair have been since the start of May, ‘The HOPE Song’ is a vibrant and gorgeously coloured video with a super-catchy song to match.

It’s an interesting take on Los Angeles, where it would be presumed it would be difficult to find locations with nobody else around at all, but John and Edward have managed it for ‘The HOPE Song’, where the only form of life apart from themselves is a bird which flies overhead at one point. It’s a theme they’ve revisited from their most recent video, ‘Good Vibes’, which again, featured only the duo – and birds. Does the lack of company detract from the video? Not at all, and in fact, it’s in keeping with the lyrics, in suggesting that you don’t need to rely on others to succeed, you can do it on your own, if you only hope, and believe in yourself.
‘The HOPE Song’ is available to preorder on iTunes, Amazon, and Google Playstore, ahead of its release next Friday, August 12. You can find Jedward online on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, VEVO, Google+ and their Official Website.