NEW VIDEO: Rachael Sage Reveals New Video ‘Deepest Dark’

The remarkable poet-meets-songwriter Rachael Sage returns with the sweeping, heartfelt “Deepest Dark” from her full-length studio album “The Other Side”. A harmonious combination of gentle Americana, velvety vocals and thoughtful lyrics on friendship, this mellow number is a stand-out track. With a subtly melodic hook seeping throughout and stripped-back acoustic instrumentation, Sage is simplifying what she does best. 

MattO Gives Voice To The Voiceless With New Single, ‘Reeling’

MattO’s songs have an immediate effect, and the sound stays with the listener long after they’ve pressed stop. The singer songwriter has made it his mission to sing about the real things in his life, things that everyone can relate to; the issues and emotions that matter to us all. With his new single and video, ‘Reeling’, MattO brings his astute social commentary to the fore, in a way which speaks to everyone, as we all look for answers in this crazy troubled world.