Antherius- ‘Midnight Cowboy’

‘Midnight Cowboy’, by Antherius – the project of Texas based artist Tom Reynal – is an homage to the beautiful city which is right now hurting about as hard as it possibly could hurt because of the continuing COVID-19 crisis. Although not a New Yorker, Antherius nonetheless understands the New York story, and the video for his version of the theme song from the classic film of the same name features nothing but shots of the magnificent city. Not just a tribute, but a celebration of the central place New York City holds in the consciousness of not just the United States, but the whole world.

Kiesza Shares Music Video Project Capturing The World In Lockdown And Bringing Creatives Together In Support Of Front Line Workers

Platinum selling electro pop powerhouse Kiesza releases incredible global music video project entitled ‘Storm’. Written in isolation, ‘Storm’ compelled award-winning directors Rocky Romano and Miranda Winters to reach out to Kiesza to work with her to create a powerful short film to help frontline workers amid the COVID-19 pandemic.