The Two Man Travelling Medicine Show Release Single ‘I’m So Angry I Could Vote’

The English group The Two Man Travelling Medicine Show released their latest single, ‘I’m So Angry I Could Vote’, off their upcoming album, ‘Folkadelica’. Detailing the stark contrast between the French and English political situations, where riots in France were caused by a seemingly insignificant decision, while in England, politicians can do what they please without fear of backlash, the song is an energetic anthem that calls for action from the English people.

Steve Holley Speaks With Incredible UK Singer Songwriter, Elles Bailey

When you watch some artists perform, one of their songs might spring to mind. For me, and this is more because I’d never seen the artist play live before, a song by Carrie Underwood sprang to mind! When Elles Bailey takes to the stage with her husky blues country voice rocking a to die for jump suit and takes a live audience along for the ride, the only song I could think of was ‘Poor Everybody Else’, in fact I think Elles would do an awesome cover of it. I was lucky enough to see this UK artist smash The Black Deer Festival recently and can’t wait to see her play again. Until then, I got to ask her a few questions.