INTERVIEW: Wyn Starks’ Power Ballad, ‘Who I Am’, Is Celine Dion’s Favourite Song

Polly Havelock talks to Wyn Starks about Celine Dion’s version of ‘Who I Am’, in the ‘I Am: Celine Dion’, the viral response it sparked, and reveals brand new details of his upcoming sophomore album.

Celine Dion sings your song, ‘Who I Am’, in her new documentary, ‘I Am: Celine Dion’ which has sparked a 300% rise in streams and a top spot on the iTunes R&B/ Soul Chart. Can you share the story behind its creation?

It’s been an amazing and a very surreal moment for me. And the song has definitely taken on a new life.  Because of the I am Celine Dion documentary I’m so grateful and honored it can play a part in  healing her journey. I wrote the ‘Who I Am’ with my friends Josh Bronleewe and Vanessa Campagna. I call it my diary song. It was actually my first time meeting Vanessa but we immediately clicked right away. Josh and I had worked together before so The vibe just felt right.  I remember, just starting to talk about my life and this journey I’ve been on with music. So we all shared a note and started typing away. Melodies come a lot more easily for me I can struggle with lyrics at times because I’m my own worst critic. But this wasn’t one of those times because the vibe just felt so right there was definitely a flow. So Josh started building the track and melodies and lyrics started flowing. And out came ‘Who I Am’.

What aspects of your personal journey do you see reflected in Celine Dion’s story as presented in the documentary? 

I think as an artist and a vocalist it  definitely resonates with me. As artist we always wanna give our best to our supporters and fans, but what happens when you feel like you don’t have it to give. I can relate to that. Sometimes life can hit you so hard you wonder what’s next. That’s why the documentary was so inspiring for me because Celine refuses to give up no matter what she’s facing. I want that kind of fight. 

How do you think the themes of identity and self-discovery in ‘Who I Am’ resonate with the overarching narrative of Celine Dion’s documentary?

 When I watched the documentary, that’s what I saw her discovering and being reminded rather of what she’s made of. I saw a fighter. The resilience and the strength it took to let us in in such a vulnerable and intimate way was so inspiring and to get that stamp of approval from someone that you’ve looked up to and has inspired you as a vocalist and artist means everything and reminds me why I do this. 

What inspired you to write your recent single ‘Run’? You’ve mentioned being influenced by artists like The Killers and The Weeknd. How did these influences shape the sound of ‘Run,’ and how do you infuse your own unique style into your music?

Honestly, Run came from life experience. When I moved to Nashville, I was grinding. I really was working two jobs, working two shifts, waiting on a miracle to keep the ship afloat, ha ha. So yeah, that’s what I like to write from this personal experience.

Your debut single ‘Circles’ and your album ‘Black Is Golden’ received significant attention and acclaim. How does ‘Run’ fit into the narrative of your musical journey so far? 

Run was special to me because it brought me back to the music  I grew up listening to. I loved it all and although it  was different than the other stuff I’ve released. I never wanted to be put in a box. So many of the greats I grew up listening to were never put in a box. They could do it all  And I think Run represents that for me because free to be me. 

Collaborating with Fred Williams and working with professionals like John Catlin has surely been influential. How did these collaborations impact the creation of ‘Run,’ and what did you learn from working with such experienced industry professionals?

Yeah, working on this album has been so much fun. I feel like it’s most me than anything. I’ve done so far and working with Fred and John has been incredible. Fred and I wrote most, not all the songs and the album together and John put his magic touch on it. And just made it feel so good everything sitting just the way I like it. And I’ve definitely become sharper with working with such amazing people.

Can you share any insights into your upcoming sophomore album, and how it explores new sounds and influences? 

Yeah, for sure like I said this album is most me than anything I’ve done. Thus far They’ll definitely be some new. Sounds on there, but you’ll also get a lot of the Motown soul sounds as well but it’s all Wyn. (Smile) I like to say its just one big WynStarks party haha but your all invited 😁

As you continue to evolve your sound, what do you hope to achieve with your music, both artistically and in terms of connecting with your audience?

These past few years have definitely been a growing experience for me with touring because I got to look out at peoples faces and see their reactions and meet people and hear their Stories on how this music has impacted them. And it’s amazing because that’s what my favorite artist has done for me. So now that I can do the same for people is just amazing.

Finally, what’s next for Wyn Starks? 

Well, I’m currently working on myself album and I’ve already released a few singles and I’m loving the response that they have gotten. So I’ll keep releasing a few more before I drop the album and then I want to tour. It’s funny because I used to have such terrible stage, fright now I can’t wait to get back on it. That and in the studio is where I feel most at home. Excited to be able to share all this music with everyone.

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