‘The Diary Of An Artist In Love’ is the new ten track album from NYC artist, The Muse Frequency. Taking inspiration from the published diaries of Anias Nin, it’s an intimate work of meditation music, which is best listened to through headphones and with the listener in a peaceful location with their eyes closed.
‘The Diary Of An Artist In Love’ is set for release tomorrow, June 2.
The Muse Frequency adopts the tradition of poets and scholars such as Rumi, and presents the listener with a meditation on love which is both calming and ethereal, allowing them to lose themselves in their contemplation.
“Diary of an Artist in Love was initially inspired by the published diaries of Anais Nin. There’s an allure to reading personal thoughts on love and what it means to fall in love. And then there’s the experience of having those thoughts read to you. I began Diary of an Artist in Love with the idea of quietly reading my thoughts on love and the nature of relationships to someone who was sitting very close to me, like a personal performance. Diary of an Artist in Love, by The Muse Frequency, is designed to create a meditative state through the intimate experience of being told a story on love for an audience of one.”
‘Diary Of An Artist In Love’ can be pre-saved here. Find out more about The Muse Frequency and their music online on their official website, and Instagram.