When gospel artist Todd Curry took over from his father Bishop CL Curry as pastor of St Peter The Rock Inc, he transformed his church’s presence in the Eastwood community, of Pinehurst, North Carolina, bringing in a range of Kingdom and outreach programmes that are not only vibrant but also high-impact. Now Pastor Todd is taking that outreach worldwide with TLC Unlimited Inc, with the aim to not only heal community ties, but also bring people together with a Gospel soundtrack.
‘Transitions’, from Todd Curry’s upcoming six-track EP, sees him offer compassion, encouragement, and guidance to those who are navigating their way through the stormy seas of life. Co-written with Grammy Award winner Cedric Thompson, as well as Dennis Reed Jr, ‘Transitions’ is upbeat and in itself transitions from a contemporary Gospel sound, into goth, and then takes it even further cross-genre, with Gospel legend B. Slade giving it socks with hair-raising vocal riffs throughout the track.
In the music video for ‘Transitions, it’s depicted transitions of all sorts, from marriage, parenthood, education, addiction, sickness, homelessness, career changes, and eventually, death. Each actor in the clip represents a person Curry has met or ministered to. For example, Curry’s real life sister, gives their mother a hug, in response to a recent diagnosis of cancer. There’s a certain vulnerability present in the video, which is matched equally by that of the song itself. Powerful and moving, ‘Transitions’ is a song of raw power.
Watch the music video for ‘Transitions’ below and follow Todd Curry online on his official website.

I watched this video at least 3 times. I needed to make sure I really saw what I saw. The music is catchy and the beat activates good foot action. However, just as many (not all, but many) of the Gospel artist today just throw anything up in the air and call it Gospel. The purpose of Gospel music is to serve the world with the exposure of Jesus. [Definition, Gospel: the teaching or revelation of Christ:
“it is the Church’s mission to preach the gospel”
Christian teaching, Christ’s teaching, the life of Christ. A thing that is absolutely true.]
The fact that I saw the promoting of gay marriage in the video goes to show that this, is NOT a true Gospel song! Jesus never condoned gay marriage, and never will! Just because a society adapts something into its culture does not mean it is acceptable to God. I know that we are all a work in progress and God is always doing more to sanctify us daily. But, when we know a behavior or lifestyle choice is against God’s word, we love those in that lifestyle but don’t promote it!
Gospel artist have to do better!
This may surprise you, but I have been a Bible scholar, and attended Bible College; so what I am about to say has weight and study behind it.
Jesus said, according to Matthew 7:1-3 (this is from the NIV), “Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you. Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother’s eye, and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye?”
Jesus preached a gospel of inclusion. He didn’t speak at all about homosexuality. When he was asked what was the most greatest commandment in the Law, Jesus said (in Matthew 22), “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: “Love your neighbour as yourself”.”
Additionally, Paul said, in 1 Corinthians 13:1, “If I speak in the tongues of men or of angels, but do not have love, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal”.
The primary reference to homosexuality in the Bible that people cling to is that of the wicked men of Sodom and Gomorrah. The men of that city threatened to rape the angels in disguise; but they were not homosexual men in that city, because Lot had previously offered them his virgin daughters. Lot offered the angels hospitality; the men of Sodom did not. That is why Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed, not because the men of the city were homosexual, but rather that they offered extreme inhospitality.
The other verses that people like to reference are those in Leviticus, particularly Lev 18:22 and 20:13. But to single out those verses, “do not have sexual relations with a man as one does with a woman, that is detestable”, is often done while those surrounding it are ignored. Lev 20:9, “Anyone who curses their father or mother is to be put to death”, for example. In any case, these verses are about relationships that cross the bounds of purity (clean and unclean) and ethnicity (Israelite and Canaanite). It’s not homosexuality as we know it today, which is about loving, caring relationships.
As said earlier, Jesus summed up the whole Law and the commandments in 2, and both were about love. Additionally, Jesus chose to live and work with the outcasts, the downtrodden, the poor of spirit. Those who were not deemed “acceptable” in society were those he declared to be his neighbours, not just the pious in the temple, declaring themselves to be the most holy. Would you not rather do what Jesus did, than judge others? Jesus loved. Be clothed in Christ. As Paul says in Galatians 3:28, “There is no longer Jew nor Greek, there is no longer slave or free, there is no longer male and female, for all of you are one in Christ Jesus”.
I hope this helps, and perhaps you will have less hate in your heart for those who are different to you.
I do appreciate your response, as wellnas you scholarly annotations. Wel spoken. I apologize if my comment appeared to c9me from a place of hate….that is far from the truth. I hate no one. I have love for all. Just to disagree does not excavate hate. Your response was well thought out yet, it still renders a lack of understanding. I too am a Bible scholar from Bethel Seminary, but that’s not of grand importance. I think it very interesting as I see how so many twist scripture to accommodate lifestyle choices. It is very much supported through scripture of the intended pattern God has for relationships. Marriage is created for a man, and a woman and is referenced as the model of Christ and his bride…the church. Since this is true, there is no truth to support the union of two men, or two women. It is so easy to grasp the characteristics of God when it pertains to His love and grace however, it’s often ignored that as loving and gracious as God is, there’s also an opposing side of God that refers to being just, holy and The Righteous Judge of all.
And in closing, to see you butcher Galatians 3;28 is really something else. I wish you well and pray that as you continue to grow in God, He will bless you and your family.
Sorry you feel that way. You are still a human judging others, again, I remind you of Matthew 7:1-3. As for “butchering Galatians 3:28”, I did no such thing. This is the last reply I’m going to give you, so I shall close with advice that doesn’t come from the Bible, because it’s clear it doesn’t matter what I say from there, your mind is already made up, and your heart is closed to love. My advice is, “Go outside and touch some grass”; perhaps you will see the world from a different perspective (you might additionally realise that we are all God’s creations and he doesn’t make mistakes.). Have a good day.