Country singer and songwriter Lavon Coates doesn’t just sing a pretty tune while accompanying himself on guitar; he also pulls hard on the heartstrings of his listeners, especially with his latest single, ‘Raise Her Right’. The music video that comes with the song is no less emotional, and we can guarantee you’ll want to pull your loved ones tightly to you well before you’ve even finished listening.
Singing out of Loris, South Carolina, Lavon Coates lives as grassroots a life as you could probably imagine. He’s not just writing music, he’s also chopping trees, being kind to strangers, and above all, raising his daughter. His songwriting is just as organic. Nothing is forced, but rather, he opens himself up at night to be inspired by whatever decides to come to mind, whether it be misty-eyed memories or dreams – it’s all great source material for his writing.
Coates, who released a series of singles over the past year, and is now looking forward to performing live, knows just what it takes to make the listener laugh, cry, or even howl at the moon. His latest single, ‘Raise Her Right’ was inspired by a dream he had of his late father, the Reverend Weldon L Coates, who died in 2015. The song is a transliteration of a message from the Rev Coates to Lavon in a dream, and the latter has set it to music, with slide guitars, percussion, and keys all working together to draw out the emotion in the track.
‘Raise Her Right’ sees Lavon describing the dream, in which he and his father at on a heavenly porch, and discussed life, death, memories, and fatherhood.
The music video takes this sentiment a step further. Lavon calls his mother to tell her about his dream, and as the music picks up we are taken through scenes of his life. Scenes of Lavon and his daughter, as if captured through the eyes of the reverend, show the pair playing, dancing, and singing together. If that wasn’t enough to make you bawl, then the family photos scattered throughout the clip will certainly have you howling.
You can watch the music video for ‘Raise Her Right’ below, and find out more about Lavon Coates and his music online on Facebook.