We introduced readers to rapper Dici back in February, with his cleverly titled single, ‘U N I’. Now he returns a few short weeks later with his latest track, ‘Do What I Can’.
The South Florida artist, like the rest of Miami’s denizens in Biscayne Bay, knows a thing or two about boats. Likewise, in the hip hop and electronic music world, boats are a symbol of opulence and riches, and those who own one use it to show off their wealth and status.
Boats can have another meaning as well however. They are a potent symbol of the power of solitude, and it’s this which Dici chooses to focus on with his new track, as well as its accompanying video.
Rather than the floating party we’ve come to expect from hip-hop clips, the boat in ‘Do What I Can’ is a place for retreat, reflection, and perhaps some remorse. The single is filled with the stunning moodiness characteristic of Dici’s work; his use of minor-keys and stirring synths have denoted his sound from the very start, and they serve not just as a showcase for his voice, but also as mood enhancers: enticing and exciting, with a slightly unnerving edge. Dici’s voice is like that too. He’s smooth and seductive, while also being menacing, aloof. He also somehow balances youthful innocence with worldly wisdom, and all these aspects of his being come together in ‘Do What I Can’.
The video for ‘Do What I Can’ opens on a yacht, small, but perfectly formed, flashing white under the beaming tropical sun. Although we can still see the high rise apartments in the distance, we are clearly already far out on the ocean. Gorgeous blue sky, while low clouds threaten a sudden storm. The weather patterns are symbolic of the melancholy of the song; while Dici, alone on the yacht and looking perfectly comfortable, he’s also lost in his thoughts as he walks along the edge of the deck, seemingly singing to the sunshine. Thankfully, despite getting very close to the water, he never slips in.
You can watch the video for ‘Do What I Can’ below, and follow Dici and his music online on his official website, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, TikTok, and Spotify.
