We can never have too much Ethan Gold, can we? Following on from ‘Storm Coming’ is his release ‘Firefly’, which sees Gold at his Zenmaster best as he rails against modern beauty standards and fights for authenticity.
There’s some nice contrasts musically, with buzzy electric guitar laid against a Spanish guitar solo, as well as what sounds like a Hammond organ – and lyrically Gold *almost* raps as he rants about the dichotomy of having to fall into line, while still being original; to be rational, while being told to share your emotions; to shoot for the stars while fashion treats you as just another firefly: burning brightly and soon forgotten.
The accompanying music video, directed by New York video director BriAnna Olson, emphasises Gold’s message with a collage of macro and micro experiences within beauty culture. We walk, grainy and dreamlike, with women and girls of all ages as they experiment their way through beauty pageants, magazines, and make-up counters. The lyric video gives us enough space to contemplate these subtle, yet very problematic symptoms of our times.
Find Ethan Gold online on his official website, Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, and YouTube, and watch the lyric video for ‘Firefly’ below.