Naranja, Florida, is home to rapper Rondo Smiff, who with his menacing, whip-smart, but never showy style, brings the South Florida attitude to life with his latest single, ‘No Feelings’. Joined by respected Miami rapper and storyteller Mike Smiff (yes, they’re related), the track is the focal point of their joint project, ‘Family Business’.
It’s not the first project for the duo, they’ve previously collaborated on the single, ‘Thank God’, which also featured a guest appearance by the Florida legend that is Trick Daddy; but ‘Family Business’ sees the pairing establish a lasting consolidation, with ‘No Feelings’ outlining their purpose as a statement of intent. Rondo is set on succeeding, with a drive and determination that will get him there, so long as he doesn’t let his emotions get in the way. With his story he is in effect telling that of the entire South Florida area, and stands up as the voice for a new generation of rappers from the region.
Directed by Appel Jax, the video for ‘No Feelings’ is, like his music, to be approached on many different levels. On the surface it’s a party at Rondo’s house, filled with scenes of dancing women, jewellery, stylish clothing, lots of alcohol, and on the whole, overt consumption. watch again however and you realise that there’s something about the faces of those at the party. Without exception they have a look of being haunted, of having a story to tell. They are there, they’re partying, because they have to, there is so much going on in their lives that they need to express it somehow, to let off all that pent up emotion, in a place where there they can “eat drink and be merry” – for tomorrow they may die. The future is not certain, so they live for the now.
You can find out more about Rondo Smiff on his Instagram account. Watch the video for ‘No Feelings’ below: