#kieferband is the latest project of hard rock heavyweight Tom Keifer, who until he suffered a paralysed vocal chord in the 90s, was the singer with bluesy no BS stadium shakers, Cinderella. Several operations later, Keifer’s voice looked like it would never be the same, but he managed, through years of rehab, to recover, and bring back just as much power to his voice as before. Latest singles, ‘RISE’, and ‘The Death Of Me’, together with their accompanying music videos, show that you can never keep a good man down.
‘RISE’ is the title track of #keiferband’s new album and was written by Tom and Savannah Keifer, along with Shawna and Keifer Thompson from the country duo Thompson Square. Rock and country might seem like strange bedfellows, but they both have a storytelling heart in common, and no less so than in ‘RISE’. It’s a symphonic, piano-led soulful piece; power chords showcasing a simple truth: life is good, but we still have to pull ourselves up from the unexpected lows – sometimes over and over and over again. The music video, directed by Vincente Cordero, sees #keiferband head to Nashville’s historic Layman Drug Company, which is an old pharmacy given new life by turning it into a studio. With its black and white floor tiles, blank white walls, and its gorgeous Bosendorfer grand piano filling the room, it is a fitting grandeur for a huge song.
Watch the video for ‘RISE’ below:

The video for second track, ‘The Death Of Me’ opens with a tv screen, outlining all the adversities Tom Keifer has faced. Vocal paralysis, the 8 surgeries, the demise of the band, and the various other struggles, are soon left behind as the band smashes onto the stage. Written by Tom Keifer and Savannah Keifer, it’s barbwire sharp and no less dangerous, with the band’s customary swagger. Brandishing his microphone like a weapon, with a red cross on one lens of his sunglasses, Tom Keifer lets us know in no uncertain terms that you might be the death of him but he’s not dead yet. The tv screen is smashed: it’s not going to be the death of him. Watch the video below. You can catch up with all the #keiferband news on Tom Keifer’s website.
