Canadian duo Mike O’Brien and Jason Haberman, otherwise known as Ocean Potion, began to write and record together while on tour with their respective bands, Zeus, and Yukon Blonde.
The pair bonded one night when Mike and his bandmates forced carrot sticks and cauliflower chunks into Jason’s eyes, ears, nose, and throat. Later they realised they had far more in common than simply a love for pushing vegetables into one another, and decided to record an LP, set for release later this year.
‘In The Grass’ is a song about childhood friendships which come to a sudden end. One day you’re best friends forever and ever – the next – they’re gone. The song looks back on those relationships, and wondering what happened to that person and where they ended up in life, once your paths diverged. Of course nowadays we can stalk those people on social media, but that’s not the point, and doesn’t make for as good a song.
The song has a 60s style vibe to it, and is accompanied by a video, which gloriously recounts those friendships. Shot to look as if it’s been filmed with a Super-8 camera, we follow the adventures of a group of young boys messing about doing the sorts of things young boys do – a casual spot of shoplifting; playing chicken with freight trains; and jumping into water holes that they probably shouldn’t…for reasons. Later in the clip we come back to one of the boys all grown up, sitting by the same water hole, contemplating that long ago time.
Find out more about Ocean Potion online on SoundCloud, Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter.