The Rising have been around for a few years now, with their first album ‘Coming Home’ released back in 2014, and before that, members of the band rose from the ashes of rock band EXIT. We first made the connection with The Rising back in 2015 and have seen their metamorphosis from an all-male pop/rock/Americana band to a full on country rock band with a female vocalist on board since 2016.
The Rising’s sophomore album, ‘Moving On’ reflects the various struggles the band went through during the time of making the album. From life-changing breakups, near death experience, changing band members and new life being brought into the world. ‘Moving On’ is set for release in August 3, and is available now to pre-order here.
We thought we’d try something a little different to our usual reviews today. Rather than a standard review, we thought we’d do a track by track “first impressions” commentary, written as we listen.
Moving On – Title track shows us what we’re in for – strong country sound, somewhere between Americana and modern country pop. Irish country 😉
Chantelle’s voice is strong and clear, end notes are sublime!
Forgive And Not Forget – The Rising are a tight unit these days. Consumate talented musicians, a world away from their rocking days. There’s also less of the Bruce Springsteen about their tracks. Why are they not superstars? This could easily be Maren Morris singing or even Taylor Swift. We loved The Rising when they were an all male outfit but the addition a few years ago of the female lead has given them such a strength.
With You – Praise for the musicians – such strong instrumentals! You can hear each instrument in isolation, there’s none that overpower any of the others, and Chantelle’s vocals are smooth and an instrument themselves. Killer vocals!
Even The Stars Fall For You – A third of the way through and this is the first anthem. Love the slide guitar. I could see this working well as a single release, the video could show Chantelle thinking in the evening about her love, maybe leaning over a verandah railing (would work well to make the clip in Nashville maybe). It’s a totally Nashville track and should work well in the States. Loved the bridge.
Back To Me – Literal foot tapper. Upbeat and frantic – this sounds like full on Irish music to me, folky with trad elements. You could play this at a Ceilidh and nobody would bat an eyelid. Love it!
Reasonable – Wow! Rock/pop rock! I mentioned Taylor Swift earlier, but this is even better. Man Chantelle can sing…She’s got a voice that can rock stadiums. I think I can hear Chris in the backing vocals? Oh and some Chuck Berry style piano too! Another foot tapper.
Just Another Name – Nice ferocious drums, but you just can’t get past Chantelle’s amazing vocals. There’s some strong instrumentals which overpower her voice from time to time but she comes soaring back. Nice finger plucking guitar in parts. I’m unable to stop bopping, it’s making it difficult to type! What a voice!
Rebound – Anthemic, slower, refreshing after all the high-energy tracks (not that we minded having a dance). Oh I really really love this song. Perfect choice for first released single.
Take A Hint – Incredible piano! Ohhhh I love the STOPS where the vocals and instruments just cut out entirely. I get the feeling Chantelle loves singing these fast songs most of all. Loved the STOP ending!
Yellow House – This sounds like Australian country to me – The Rising would go down really well in Tamworth.
Love Is – Laid back, goes through what love means – “love is hurt, love is pain, what is love”. Moving and stirring. This entire album is such a showcase of talent. Put together perfectly. Towards the end we feel that Chantelle has become all the stronger despite her hurt and pain through love. Musically it’s powerful.
Finally Found You – Penultimate track. Opens with instrumental. Loving the electric guitar. Enjoying the love song. Lyrically well put together. This band is so slick.
Roundabouts – Really enjoying how the instruments sort of serve as backing vocals in a way. About a third of the way through and there’s a musical interlude, like Chantelle steps back and lets them take over. I think this would work well live. Powerful drums towards the end.
‘Moving On’ is set for release in August 3, on vinyl, CD, and as a digital download. Pre-order here. Check out The Rising online on their official website, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and VEVO.
If you’re in Belfast (or even if you’re not), The Rising will be doing a special performance and album signing in their hometown HMV in Belfast on the album release day (Aug 3rd) at 5:30pm. Access is granted on a first come first served basis with a purchase of the record from hmv Belfast on the day of the event, up to store capacity. Find more information here.