A.DEF – short for “attention deficit” – is a collaborative effort by hip hop artists Nick FuriouStylz and X24. Based in the deserts of New Mexico, the pair have had longstanding solo careers, but their first combined effort is the title track (and video) from their forthcoming album, ‘OP8 Of The Masses’.
Featuring actor and singer Ava Del Cielo, the title was inspired by Karl Marx’s famous quote, “Religion is the sigh of the oppressed creature, the heart of a heartless world, and the soul of soulless conditions. It is the opium of the people.” The opiate in A.DEF’s song however is the lack of contact between individuals: the loss of love. Focusing on two men connected to a false world that each sees through masks, they momentarily wake up and try to escape in order to connect with others, but Del Cielo’s temptress siren-like tempts them back to the world in which each is alone.
Find out more about A.DEF from their Facebook page.