A winner of ‘UK Songwriter of the Year’ and consecutive ‘Song of the Year’ honours with the British Country Music Awards (BCMAwards), Northern Irishman Gary Quinn has become one of British country music’s more established performers.
Gary’s new single, ‘Shame’, is out on the 22nd of July. You can pre-order it from iTunes.
Gary says of ‘Shame’:
“Shame really came from a situation I was looking in on. I could see a person making the same mistake and getting hurt but never learning from it. I was also listening to Lady Antebellum’s song ‘Need You Now’ which triggered me to thinking that although in their song it all ends ‘happily ever after’ I felt that it sounded like someone might get hurt. Hence ‘Shame’ was born almost as a reply to ‘Need You Now’ and the subject needed a little more of an edgy sound on the recording, which I feel we achieved and I’m pretty excited about people hearing it”.
We’re proud to say that Gary has made an Essential Cover for us, a beautiful acoustic cover of Charlie Worsham’s ‘How I Learned To Pray’.
You can find out more about Gary Quinn from his website.
Also check out Gary on Twitter, Facebook, Soundcloud, and Youtube.