The Diana Award and Penguin Random House have teamed up for a second year to host Kindness Day 2016.
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‘Wonder’ is a book about Auggie, a 10 year old boy who likes doing normal 10 year old things. But Auggie does not look like other “normal” kids. The book shares his experience of joining Secondary School and shows us how small acts of kindness can have a huge impact on an individual’s life and re-inforce to them that it is okay to be them.
This Kindness Day we are asking you to join us in helping make the world a kinder place and help kids like Auggie feel accepted. Kindness is free and something we are all capable of so why not get your school, friends, organisation, family or office to celebrate Kindness Day today!
Listen to what Jedward and Kodaline have to say:
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Create your own online #KindnessDay pledge: On #KindnessDay we are asking everyone to pledge to do a random act of kindness. It takes two seconds to make your own Kindness day pledge with our app.
Download our school’s Kindness Day Activity Pack: The pack is full of extracts and resources from Wonder and activities which you can run in your school to celebrate #KindnessDay.