The video for RedRay Frazier’s new song, ‘Blood in the Water’ is up, and it’s premiered right here on Essentially Pop!
This is what RedRay had to say about it:
“My “Blood In The Water” video came about quite simply. I knew that I wanted to work with my longtime friend Jov (Novosti) Luke. Once he agreed to shoot it, I knew that would not be typical. We then looked at what tools were in our possession to make this work on a low budget. So, my D.J.(DJ Klavical) has a 1967 AMC Ambassador. Totally rad ride. I knew that his car should be in the video. I just got a new Reverend guitar that I wanted to become more familiar with, so we added that to the tools list. I have a small rehearsal space and a backyard, and I like to bar-b-que. The only thing missing now was what to shoot with. Jov had been messing around with a family members Go-Pro and thought It would interesting to shoot with. We mapped out a plan and shot a video.
I live in a pretty cool town. I really dig Portland and thought it would be cool to show it off a bit. Jov Luke(the director) and I set out take people on a journey of what seems to be a fairly normal rehearsal day. With not a lot of camera or lighting gear, we decided to use a GoPro to document the day. Jov had the thought to mount the GoPro to my chest and shoot in first person perspective. You see everything that I see. It turned out to be a really cool way to see me without seeing me. From the lay out of my clothes, to my reflection on a glass door or car window, to how friends interact with me. You kinda have to stick around to the end of the video for resolve. I think it’s an interesting way introduce myself to what I hope will be a lot of people. Enjoy the video.” – Redray Frazier
What do you think of ‘Blood in the Water’?
We talked to RedRay back in September – check our interview out here.
RedRay Frazier can be found online on Twitter, Facebook, ReverbNation and his website.