#TheShowMustBePaused: Why The Music Industry Needs To Get Behind #BlackLivesMatter Not Just On #BlackOutTuesday

Today the music industry pauses to show support and unite in solidarity for #BlackLivesMatter. It would be folly not to. This industry owes a debt of gratitude, and in fact would not exist if it were not for the people of colour who started what we today consider modern music, which was born out of the sorrow songs of those taken in slavery to work the fields in America. In time this begat distinct genres, such as Gospel, Soul, Rhythm n Blues, Jazz…and in turn, Rock and Roll, Funk, Pop, and Hip-Hop – and just about every other genre in between.

What to do During Self-Isolation: 5 Entertaining Websites for Students

In a bid to manage the spread of the coronavirus disease, the majority of nations around the world are encouraging their citizens to stay at home all day long. Since most learning institutions have been closed, it might be difficult for some students to study and interact with their friends.
Thanks to the rapid advancement of technology, students can do almost everything they want without risking their health. They can study, listen to music, draw, cook, watch movies, and interact with their friends on social media platforms.

Why Today Is The Best Time For Music

One of the design flaws of humans is that we tend to romanticize the past. Because we tend to only focus on the good parts, the days of old can suddenly seem incredible! This is true of many aspects of life, including music. You’ll often hear people say that they wish they had been born in some past decade because the music was so much better then. But here’s something to remember: it’s not true! In fact, music is the best that it’s ever been right now. Don’t believe us? Just check out some of our reasons below.