Gaming: What Makes A Game Great?

Gaming is now an integral part of modern society and is one of the biggest sectors of the entertainment industry. Players from around the globe now have access to more titles and options than ever before. One of the big questions, however, is what makes a game great?

While you won’t find them all in any one title, here are six key ingredients that can keep players coming back for more. If your games have them, you’ll probably love them and enjoy a better gaming experience. 

Mental Engagement

Ultimately, games should be engaging. If they keep players hooked, they will be highly successful. Understandably, then, brain-training games like Minesweeper stay popular throughout the generations. The test of logic and strategy has an undeniable pull while the success of winning releases serotonin. In today’s fast-paced world, the opportunity to enjoy a game that doesn’t require an investment of time helps too.

Superior Graphics

The eyes often play a key role in how we respond to entertainment. Frankly, mind-blowing graphics will take video games to the next level. Aside from impressing us, they help players get lost in the immersive worlds. It is particularly noteworthy when transporting yourself to the world of VR. However, graphics also make all the difference in driving games and sports simulators as well as first-person shooters. 

Great Storytelling

As with films, graphics can capture our attention. However, it’s the storylines that keep us hooked. When you are engrossed and emotionally invested in the story, you will want to play the game until its conclusion. Whether it’s Red Dead Redemption 2 or Final Fantasy VI, the top stories live long in the memory. While the gameplay and graphics are great, a lack of storyline to drive them on would be catastrophic.

A Chance To Win

Many video games are solely about relaxation. Still, competitiveness is another commonly sought feature. This could mean winning money on slot gaming or focus on beating friends or online players. Either way, winning releases hormones in the same way that sports and other competitive situations do. Moreover, it gives your gaming activities an extra sense of purpose and a barometer of success to measure against. 

Smooth Gameplay

Many games are purposely difficult to master. However, they should not be difficult to play. The controls and mechanisms should be logical and simple to learn. Meanwhile, games with accessibility features promote inclusivity that improves success. Similarly, multiple difficulty settings that allow users to have things on their terms can work well. It all starts, however, with button commands and functions that just make sense.


Finally, games should be fun. It is a somewhat indefinable quality as different players may respond to varying elements. Some games are fun because they are silly or humorous. Others are fun due to their challenging nature and the satisfaction they deliver upon completion. Meanwhile, the competitive nature or element of physical exercise could play a role. If you come away thinking “that was fun”, the game is a success.

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